The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Allyship (IDEA) Initiative was established to address systemic racism and the resulting health disparities. Through this Initiative, the AC Forum will work to increase awareness and promote diversity in our leadership, membership, and programming. We hope our members will engage in this initiative to re-evaluate their current practice, reduce health inequities, and improve the quality of care for all patients.
Listen as our IDEA Initiative Committee members discuss the importance of this topic and relevance to every AC Forum member.
Learn More & Get Involved
April Allen (Co-Chair), PharmD, CACP
Julia Bayadinova, NP, MN
Rebecca Cope, PharmD, MPH, BCACP
Stacy Ellsworth, RN, MSN, CCRC
Danielle Jenkins, RN, BSN
Michael Jones, PharmD, BCACP, CACP
Julia Mulheman, PharmD
Surabhi Palkimas, PharmD, MBA
Noelle Ryan, PharmD
Naomi Yates, PharmD, BCACP
MaryJo Zunic, PharmD, MHA
Understanding the Social Determinants of Health
Social Determinants of Health are conditions found in the environments where we are born, learn, play, work, and age that affect our health and overall quality of life. Understanding these conditions and how they impact patients is a vital part of patient care. Watch the video to learn more about how understanding the Social Determinants of Health can help providers achieve optimal health outcomes.
Faculty: April Allen, PharmD, CACP | Danielle Jenkins, MBA, BSN, RN, CRNI | Kimberly Terry, PharmD, MS, BCPS, BCCP | Paul Walker, PharmD, FASHP
This project was sponsored by an Independent Medical Education Grant from BMS/Pfizer. Content was developed independently by the Anticoagulation Forum.
Video: Could I Have Stopped a Stroke?
Learn how health disparities impact a patients access to quality health care and anticoagulation therapy.
Rapid Resource: Social Determinants of Health & Patient Care
This resource provides a brief overview the social determinants of health and highlights actions practitioners can incorporate into their practice to address health disparities.
The IDEA Initiative has developed a webinar series to highlight the critical topic of structural racism and health disparities. The series aims to address disparities and implementing change in your practice.
A Policy Prescription for Reducing Health Disparities— Achieving Pharmacoequity
Under-prescribing of Oral Anticoagulation and Associated Outcomes for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A Call to Action
Health Disparities in PAD: What to Know as an Anticoagulation Provider
Could I Have Prevented a Stroke? Understanding the Social Determinants of Health
Addressing Health Disparities in Your Practice
Call to Action: Structural Racism as a Fundamental Driver of Health Disparities: A Presidential Advisory from the American Heart Association
The AC Forum IDEA Initiative is pleased to offer scholarships to support the ongoing education of clinicians from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups.
Scholarships are available for both our annual Boot Camp and bi-annual National Conference and will be awarded to candidates who best illustrate the desire to further their professional knowledge in the field of antithrombotic therapy.
As an organization, the AC Forum is working to increase awareness and promote diversity in our leadership, membership, and programming. As part of this initiative, we are pleased to offer scholarships to Boot Camp to support the ongoing education of clinicians from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups.
Our Fall Boot Camp Scholarship Application process is now open. Applications close Sunday, September 1, 2024.
Terri Schnurr, RN, CCRC was a dedicated member of the Anticoagulation Forum family for over 10 years. During that time, she served on the Board of Directors, Advisory Council, and was a founding member of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Allyship (IDEA) Initiative.
Terri was a registered nurse and played a pivotal role in the foundation of thrombosis research at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Terri’s enthusiasm for research was evident in her dedication to study recruitment, coordination, and patient education.
A kind and gentle soul, Terri was always ready and willing to help when needed, and eager to contribute to AC Forum DEI initiatives. The Terri Schnurr Memorial Nursing Scholarship will continue Terri’s legacy of giving, caring, and learning. Offered each year to a nurse from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group, the scholarship will provide complimentary registration and $1,000 travel stipend to an AC Forum affiliated event i.e., National Conference, Boot Camp, or THSNA.
If you would like to donate to the Terri Schnurr Memorial Nursing Scholarship,
please make checks payable to:
Terri Schnurr Memorial Fund
c/o Anticoagulation Forum
17 Lincoln Street, Ste 2B
Newton, MA 02461
The Anticoagulation Forum Literature Update includes citations identified from PubMed and selected by our Centers of Excellence team based on their utility for anticoagulation practitioners. This list is updated twice a month so you have the most up-to-date info. BROWSE/FILTER BY DATE or by TOPIC, including Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Allyship, and find relevant resources.