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International Efforts

Millions of people around the world require anticoagulant therapies for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis, yet these essential agents are also a leading cause of preventable drug-related harm due to a lack of clinician education, evidence-based clinical tools, and adequate care delivery systems.

To better equip front-line clinicians and to advance the adoption of the Anticoagulation Stewardship model, the Anticoagulation Forum has established an international advisory council of key opinion leaders from around the world who provide global perspectives and support ACF initiatives to advance the quality and safety of thrombosis-related care.

Tell us how the Anticoagulation Stewardship model is advancing in your country by completing this brief survey, hosted by University of Illinois Chicago.

International Advisory Council

Walter Ageno (Italy, Switzerland)
Head of the Department of Medicine at the teaching hospital of Bellinzona, Switzerland; Professor of Medicine at the University of Insubria in Varese, Italy

Prof. Dr. med. Edelgard Lindhoff-Last (Germany)
Head of the Coagulation Research Center and the Coagulation Center; Member of the Vascular Center at the Cardiology Angiology Center Bethanien Hospital (CCB), Frankfurt, Germany

Professor Gregory Y. H. Lip, MD (United Kingdom)
Price-Evans Chair of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Liverpool, UK and Director, Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science at University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University and Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital, Liverpool, UK

Prof. Dr. Karina Meijer (Netherlands)
Head of the division of Thrombosis and Haemostasis at the University Medical Centre Groningen; Director of the Groningen Haemophilia Treatment Centre; Co-founder of the Transmural Thrombosis Expert Center North Netherlands, Chair of the Dutch Association for Hematology

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